With the support and contributions of our our sponsors, members and animal lovers, Strays Haven Foundation, in association with team Sankalpa, has been able to fund a CNVR (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release) campaign. 107 stray dogs in Anamnagar, Pepsicola, Thimi, Balkot, Mulpani, Tarkeshwor, Thamel, Imadol, Lubhu, Koteshwor, Kalanki, and Patan were neutered and vaccinated with Rabies and DHPPL. Campaigns like this not only help to control the ever-growing strays population but also provides them with the opportunity to live healthier lives. As a superior of the species, it is our responsibility to care for less fortunate fellow living beings with whom we share this beautiful planet. Strays Haven Foundation is committed to continue supporting these humane initiatives for the betterment of Stray's animals in Nepal.